Tuesday, January 16, 2007

I think...

Did it ever occur to you that I ain’t the person you thought I would be?
I ain’t even the person that I thought I would be.
Could it ever happen that I would be who I’m supposed to be?
I think not.

Why is it that I am pointless in this stage of my life?
I don’t seem to matter to a lot of people.
I don’t seem to be that important to certain people.
Could it ever happen that I would matter to a lot of people?
I think not.

When everything stops spinning round and round my brain,
is there anything left to remain?
Is there anything that matters enough to hold on to?
Could it be that I am holding on to the wrong thoughts?
I think so.

When all my considerations stop,
when all my frustrations stop,
could I be a happy person again?
‘Cause in this stage I am not.

When my worries fade to grey,
When people around me care for what I think or do,
If they ever realize that I have feelings and a heart too,
Is that what I dream of most?
I don’t know.

When God becomes the centre of it all,
could people stop talking about each other?
Can we ever not judge one and another?
Could people just think again and be still?
When we put Him first in our lives?
I think so!

1 comment:

Yo said...

Ehm. ik zou kunnen zeggen dat alles goed komt. Maar dat klinkt misschien te makkelijk..
Ik zeg nog even nix..
Maar er is Iemand die dingen weet, weet ik.. En die heeft het beste met het meisje achter dedagenvanmijnleven voor... Dus..
(nou de rest van de wereld nog..)(dit wordt wat onsamenhangend, merk ik.. het lijkt mijn blog wel..)